Hearing only with the ears?
(Romans 10,17)
IVSS Churchear Conference 2016 in Denmark
18th–22nd August
International ministry of Hearing impaired persons
Folkekirkens Uddannelses- og Videnscenter (FUV)
(The National Church Centre for Education and Science)
This was our second conference at Løgumkloster, and for those who also had attended the conference 20 years earlier, it was a pleasant revisit to this charming, little Danish town. The conference took place at The National Church Centre for Education and Science. Conference theme: “Hearing only with the Ears?”. This theme was based upon the words of St. Paul in Rom 10,17, and the emphasis was to show that hearing means so much more than only the information from mouth to ear, as it was skilfully highlighted by the lecturers Søren Skov Johansen (DK), Regional Pastor for Hard of Hearing in Western Denmark, and Lisbeth Smedgaard Andersen (DK), artist and art lecturer, as well as through workshops and work groups. At the GA rev.
Ingrid Stillström (SE) was elected our 6th president. The elections brought a rejuvenation of the board as well, lowering the average age of the board members with more than 10 years.